von Fabba | 17.12.2024 | Vergangene Ereignisse
Celebrate Christmas at Le Moulin d’Abondance! Zouk with Santa Fly on reindeer Eat hummus and freshly grown veggies 👀
Cuddle and sing around the fire. Get connected to your body, health, community and unicorns this Christmas.
von Fabba | 01.12.2024 | Vergangene Ereignisse
Join us for a cozy start into the year 2025 in Le Moulin d’Abondance. This five-day retreat offers a smooth transition into a new chapter through rituals, sound-journeys, shared morning practices, amazing food, beautiful co-creation and cozy togetherness.
von Fabba | 15.11.2024 | Veranstaltungen
Zwischen dem 17. und dem 27. April hostet Le Moulin d’Abondance zum ersten Mal die “Easter Experience Holidays” – Wir stellen ein persönliches Ferienprogramm zusammen – Für Dich, Deine Freunde und Deine Familie! Unsere Angebot reicht von verschiedenen Massagen und Behandlungen über Musiklektionen, Abenteuer-Tage, Feuershows und noch viel, viel mehr.
von Fabba | 30.10.2024 | Veranstaltungen
Welcome to the Ecstatic Heart Retreat – hosted by Umanaya!
You can expect beautiful Ecstatic Dances, Jams and a program curated by Umanaya 🙂
von Fabba | 15.10.2024 | Veranstaltungen
Join us for the Spring Action Week 2025! We will spend some nice community time, work in the garden and celebrate life in the evenings with activities such as: Contact Jams, Music Jams, Fire-Shows and much more.
Expect the following garden tasks:
[to be announced soon]
and many more…