Ecstatic Heart Retreat | 15.–18.05.25

Welcome to the Umanaya Tribe a Human-Heart Family

We invite you to join us for a four-day journey to explore the many ways of connecting with your heart and expressing what lies within nurturing a sense of true freedom.

Freedom to dance however you wish – alone or with others.

Freedom to sing – whether it’s just for yourself or in creation with others.

Freedom to play – expressing your inner child connected to the Earth allowing your body to be moved by the flow of Life.


What will we do?

Our program offers a wide range of experiences.

We will dance (of course) and move explore our voices through sounding and singing and play together with our bodies and instruments.

There will be mind-body practices fire gatherings drumming swimming time spent in nature sauna sessions nourishing food and most importantly—deep human connection.

Experience to be part of a Tribe, a Family

Held by the tribe we become mirrors for each other’s beauty and shadow.

Uplifted by the group we can support each other to grow.

Our dances and sounds will be our prayers to lift the energy of us and the world higher

With the intention to release blockages through the freedom of expression we come together to connect our hearts and remember that we are one. 

Ticket prices are ranging from 350 € – 600 € depending on your income and accommodation preferences.

Choose from a room, dorm or camping on site. Find the overview of the rooms HERE

If you’d like to be camping but cannot bring your own tent, van or hammock, we have a few of them to rent out 😉

You will be served three delicious, nutritious, organic and vegetarian or vegan meals per day. Our kitchen hosts Antoine and Janne are very passionate and creative cooks and will feed our bodies and souls.

Btw. Janne just published her first Intuitive Kitchen Books – Find it HERE

Please let us know if you have any special dietary restrictions or allergies. 


There is the opportunity to help us with build-up/-down and during the retreat for a reduced price of the ticket. Get in contact with us at


Pictures will be added soon after the event.

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